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Foundations and Image-Making

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Interior Design – Year 1

In addition to the foundation courses, the first year of Interior Design courses introduces the basic communication skills of architectural drafting, both manual and computer-generated, along with freehand sketching. Students learn to communicate their designs through floor plans, elevations, sections, axonometric and perspective drawings and…

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Interior Design – Year 2

The second year design courses continue to expand on the global view of design as students learn to weigh their design decisions within the parameters of ecological, socio-economic and cultural contexts. The students’ knowledge and selection of colors, interior materials and furnishings increases this year,…

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Interior Design – Year 3

The technology component of the curriculum, which began in the second year (construction and finish materials), continues with textiles, lighting, electrical systems, and control systems in the third year. All of the building technology courses present an overview of building systems that affect the responsibilities…

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Interior Design – Year 4

The two Senior Seminar courses, in the fourth year of the program, are primarily self-directed projects that require students to work independently on a large-scale project typical of professional practice. Students select a design related topic, use formal research methods, prepare a thesis documenting their…

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